Mel Ruiz

Yoga Instructor & CY Ryde Coach

Melissa’s yoga journey began when she became pregnant with her son, Cristian. Her doctor recommended she try yoga to stay healthy throughout her pregnancy. Being a dancer from a very young age, Melissa found that yoga was another creative outlet in which she could express herself and instantly fell in love. She moved temporarily from Laredo but never separated from yoga. She continued practicing yoga while living in North Carolina.

When she returned to Laredo she wanted to continue practicing and learning about yoga and her sister invited her to a class at Casa Yoga. Melissa fell in love with the atmosphere Casa Yoga offered. She started working part-time at Casa Yoga as an Ambassador, but quickly took on the role of Assistant Manager and now spreads the love of Yoga fulltime. She is also a full-time mother who is very close to her son, mother, sister and brother. She strives to be the best role model to her son Cristian by taking him to, and supporting him, during Taekwondo practice and when watching him at his baseball games. On her off days, Melissa enjoys spending every moment she can with her son and family. Family is a very important part of her life, as they have been her support system and guidance through life. She loves sharing her love of Yoga with her and family and friends.

Melissa loves the way yoga makes her feel physically and spiritually. It allows her to connect and feel closer to God. It also allows her to live a more healthy and active lifestyle. She has always enjoyed different forms of fitness and plans to grow more within Casa Yoga.

Favorite Quote:

“When I was 5 years old. My mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down, “happy.” They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life.” - John Lennon

Instructor's Schedule:



1. Arrive a few minutes before class. Please note: absolutely no late entries are permitted.
2. No cell phones are permitted in the studio. Please leave them in a cubby or in the car.
3. Our yoga studio are quiet zones. That means no talking before, during, or after class. You are welcome to visit with friends in the lounge or boutique.
4. Casa Yoga has a no children policy. Due to liability, we do not allow children to wait in the lobby while parents are in class, under any circumstances.
5. Show up to class clean (no make-up), fragrance free & smoke free.
6. Hydrate before, during and after class. Avoid eating 2 hours before class.
7. Please try to remain in the yoga room from beginning to end. Should you feel dizzy or overheated, try restring for a moment on your mat. Should you need to, please exit quietly without distracting others.
8. Please store your belongings in the cubbies outside of studio and leave your valuables at home.
9. Please let your instructor know of any injuries or physical restrictions before class.
10. Pricing, classes, and instructors are subject to change without notice.